Like physical scars, emotional scars can come from many sources, each differing in their impact. It could be a tactless comment or an unkind word, or the devastation of a loved one’s betrayal. There is so much that can leave us feeling as if our hearts have been torn open and left to bleed.
The first step to facilitate healing of emotional wounds is to check if you really want to be healed.

There are many people today who do not want to be healed.

There are some who know that they are unwell, but prefer to treat it themselves. There are others too who know they are unwell, but still do nothing about it, because they want to wallow in self- pity and love the sympathy of others

Similarly, there are those who do not want to get help in their emotional wounds. They do not want to be helped out of their weakness. They love their weakness, their helplessness, because they crave the attention of others through their helplessness. They do not want to assume responsibility for their own lives.

You could be like that. You may have given up on your situation, refusing to believe there is any hope. Your hurt is too deep. You may be saying “I will never be healed.”

But respond to the question, “Do YOU WANT TO BE HEALED? “

Quote: “Satan wants to use our past to paralyze us. God wants to use our past to propel us. The choice is ours.”– Sharon Jaynes

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